Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Have you ever had one of those days when everything goes right? You are used to endless hassle and inconvenience every day, whether on the tube, in the supermarket, the banks 'endless options' phone system or some tosser cutting you up in traffic to gain an extra kilometre of road. Then, a different day - you get a cheque in the post, a good job offer and effortlessly exchange contracts on a new pad, with NO hitches! And the sun is shining! Isn't life bloody marvellous sometimes!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed. Karma is wonderful.


7:10 AM  
Blogger Livvie said...

Totally. Aren't they fab? But ironically, it's 06/06/06 today, and the world is (supposedly) going to end. How inconvenient.

9:44 AM  
Blogger fatmammycat said...

An eeeeeeeeday, that's what you're having! I am delighted for you puddy.

12:03 PM  
Blogger Dr Maroon said...

I have heard of days like these but never experienced one.
Saturday's Child works hard for a living.
Telling me mate.

2:43 AM  
Blogger Kim Ayres said...

Yep - if I get one cheque on a day, it will usually be three, and if I get one bill it will usually be five, plus three bounced cheques.

1:17 PM  
Blogger LindyK said...

Cheers on the happy day! I had one of those the other day, too -- and Cutie McHotness actually called! Just when you least expect it, eh?!

8:01 PM  
Blogger Betty the Sheep said...

I love that word 'serendipity', it sounds happy!

6:25 AM  
Blogger Dr Joseph McCrumble said...

Happiness is a filed expense form. You know you are going to get a cheque and you have ust finished a laborious but necessary endeavour.

1:16 PM  

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